Child protection services in Dundee have just received a fairly damning inspection report, against a backdrop of a recent high profile case of a child dying at the hands of his mother's drug using partner. I'm not going to comment on any of the details.
However, I was intrigued by the response from a long standing councillor. Rather than simply saying, "It wisnae me!", he expressed a more balanced view. He looked at himself and accepted his share of responsibility. Effectively, he was saying "I am part of they". You can find the newspaper story here, but I particularly liked - and respected - the following comments:
However, I was intrigued by the response from a long standing councillor. Rather than simply saying, "It wisnae me!", he expressed a more balanced view. He looked at himself and accepted his share of responsibility. Effectively, he was saying "I am part of they". You can find the newspaper story here, but I particularly liked - and respected - the following comments:
“I’m an elected member with 46 years’ standing. In all that time I have never had such a damning report put before me.
“I’m duty-bound to ask, what was my role in this?
“I feel more than a little ashamed as a member of the authority when this report is before us.
“Where did the failure occur? Were we alerted early enough?
I wish that more of our politicians were like this - sadly very few of them are.