Wednesday 25 June 2008

Who do you say...? #3

Last entry on this stuff.

The response to Jesus' question "involves a fundamental reorientation of the principle of life" (Wessel).

For me the question, begs another question - 'What does my life say about who Jesus is?'

'Follow me' sounds quite easy; 'take up your cross' is chilling!

At Spring Harvest in 1999, Phillip Hacking said "Sometimes we need to be shaken from our complacency - Jesus words were sometimes harsh, shocking."

Heschel talks about God as "not only a power to which we are accountable, but also a pattern for our lives." Follow me, indeed!

Being consistent in following our calling - whatever it may be - requires us to continually answer Jesus' question, "Who do you say I am?"

Well, the reflections of the past few days have shaken me from my complacency. I've found two prayers that have helped me to shape my thoughts and deal with the shaken-ness. I'll keep one for tomorrow night, but the one below came from a wee prayer card that I picked up in Dunkled Cathedral (and currently keep in my journal).

Lord let me walk with you and know your peace.
May my life speak of you,
and my whole being wait on you,
to hear your Word and do your will.
my Lord and my God.

1 comment:

His Girl Friday said...

I enjoyed your three posts on this subject, and will have to reflect on them a bit.

There is a 'pull' to really get things prioritized; and, to 'dig/reflect deeper'.

Thanks for putting your thoughts into words! :)