Tuesday, 21 August 2007

The wonder of Wendy

So we are to have another leadership coronation in the Labour Party - a good excuse to be cynical? Well, probably - BUT I will resist the temptation.

(Of course, I reserve the right to revert to type at a later stage.)

I was intrigued by something that Wendy Alexander said on Friday when she announced that she was standing for the leadership. She said that the Scottish Labour Party needs to be:

"humble enough to listen, wise enough to engage and brave enough to renew"

OK - so it's a bit cheesy - but I like it. And it would be a good motto to live by - and we'll need to wait and see is she can live up to it. But with my cynicism paused I'll continue to try to apply the motto to all aspects of my life.

1 comment:

That Hideous Man said...

There ought to be a book published collecting politicians statements of intent when they stood for office.

For many of them, the noble aspirations and declarations of intent turned out to be their finest moment.

Anyone remember the words of Francis of Asssisi on the lips of a new prime minister?